Learn 6 Most Prevalent Myths and Facts Regarding Fentanyl Rehabs and Addiction at Our Houston Rehab.

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is an opioid derivative that was first synthesized from the opium plant (Papaver somniferum). Those who are in excruciating pain after surgery often get a prescription for it from their doctor. Moreover, doctors prescribe fentanyl to cancer patients experiencing chronic pain if the patient has established a tolerance to other opioids, meaning it takes more of the medication to achieve the same effects, or if the patient experiences a breakthrough or other transitory exacerbations of pain.

Fentanyl is effective because it binds to opioid receptors in the brain’s reward and pleasure centers, which regulate feelings of pain and pleasure. Naturally occurring opioid analgesics called endorphins link to the same receptors. Beta-endorphins are one of several kinds of endorphins, and they are produced either during or after the body’s physiological reaction to a stressor or pain. Laughter, sex, and physical activity all trigger the release of endorphins. Fentanyl has the same effect on the body’s reward circuit as morphine and heroin, meaning they can also be used to alleviate pain.

Myths and Facts Regarding Fentanyl Addiction and Rehab.

Myth #1: Fentanyl addiction only affects individuals who use the drug recreationally.

Fact: Some people indeed get addicted to fentanyl after abusing the drug recreationally, but it’s also possible for people to become addicted after taking medication as prescribed by a doctor.

Myth #2: Fentanyl addiction is not as harmful as addiction to other opioids.

Fact: The opioid fentanyl can be up to 100 times more powerful than morphine. Fentanyl addiction is very hazardous because of the potential for fatal overdose.

Myth #3: Only those with a preexisting addiction problem can become dependent on fentanyl.

Fact: While those with a preexisting addiction may be more likely to acquire a fentanyl addiction, everyone who consumes the substance is at risk of becoming hooked.

Myth #4: Fentanyl rehab is ineffective and is a waste of money and time.

Fact: Fentanyl rehab has been shown to be an efficient method of treating fentanyl addiction. Individuals are able to improve their health and stay sober with the help of a variety of treatments offered at most fentanyl rehabs, including medication, counseling, and behavioral and alternative methods.

Myth #5: Fentanyl addiction is a choice, and people can stop using the drug if they want to.

Fact: Fentanyl addiction is a chronic, recurring illness that requires medical treatment for successful recovery.

Myth #6: Fentanyl addiction is a moral failing.

Fact: It’s a well-established fact that genetics, the surrounding environment, and personal experiences all play a role in the development of fentanyl addiction. Addiction is not a moral defect, and those who suffer from it should not feel bad about getting assistance.

In conclusion, fentanyl addiction can have devastating effects on anybody who takes the drug, and it is very hazardous and difficult to overcome without medical assistance. A person’s health and overall well-being can be greatly enhanced by enrolling in fentanyl rehab, which has been shown to be a beneficial treatment choice.

We Offer One-of-a-Kind Fentanyl Rehab Options.

Addiction and mental health specialists at Skyward Treatment Center in Houston, Texas, are ready to help if you or a beloved one is struggling with fentanyl addiction. Our success rates are excellent. This is because we offer treatment programs that are tailored to each patient’s specific requirements. Contact us today, and you won’t regret the decision to enroll in one of our fentanyl rehab programs.