Top 4 Myths About Traditional Chinese Medicine In Singapore 

Traditional Chinese medicine is not uncommon in Singapore. TCM is widely popular across the world. Traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM for short, is an ancient alternative medicine practice and system that originated in China thousands of years ago.

Unlike evidence-based medicine, TCM capitalises on psychological and physical approaches to bring holistic healing. Among popular treatments or procedures in TCM are herbal medicine, moxibustion, cupping, and acupuncture TCM

Alongside popularity are the misconceptions about traditional Chinese medicine. Here are the most common myths about TCM:

MYTH #1: TCM is not evidence-based

Many people think traditional Chinese medicine is ineffective because it is not proven by science.


Currently, many aspects of TCM are undergoing rigorous study, but in the meantime, several studies have already supported the effects of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Many clinics even include acupuncture and a confinement herbs list for postnatal care as complementary treatments for some health conditions. 

MYTH #2: TCM is all about acupuncture

Acupuncture is perhaps the most popular treatment in TCM. This treatment even branches out. There is acupuncture TCM for fertility, headache, stomachache, and more. But TCM is not all about acupuncture.


TCM also has moxibustion. Moxibustion is a procedure wheredried and spongy plant materials are burned on the skin to promote healing by stimulating the qi or the flow of energy.

On the other hand, cupping is a procedure where a heated special cup is placed on the skin, creating a suction effect. This therapy claims to draw out toxins and negative energy from the body and improve the flow of qi.

MYTH #3: TCM is unregulated

Many governing bodies regulate evidence-based medicine, but that is not the case with alternative medicine. Everyone can practice TCM even if they are not qualified.


Many countries put TCM under the watch of regulatory boards to ensure the professional practice of TCM.

In Singapore, all TCM practitioners must register with the TCM Practitioners Board. Meanwhile, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) regulates all Chinese Proprietary Medicines (CPM).

MYTH #4: TCM is just a placebo.

Placebo or placebo effect occurs when a person feels better physically or mentally after undergoing what they believe is an effective medical intervention. Whereas, in real life, the intervention proves no therapeutic benefits.


As mentioned, herbal medicine and acupuncture TCM fertility in Singapore have already been proven to be effective. Furthermore, TCM is not just a placebo effect. TCM reduces stress levels and increases endorphins or the body’s natural painkillers. We all know that stress can aggravate health conditions, and endorphins can reduce pain.

 Never believe in these misconceptions about TCM. 

Thomson Chinese Medicine provides acupuncture TCM. Visit Thomson Chinese Medicine today.