6 Misconception on Ballet and Dance Class in Singapore

Many think they are unqualified and are afraid to sign up for a ballet class at any studio in Singapore. However, they cannot be further from the truth. Here are six misconceptions most people have about ballet.

#1 Ballet is only for the slim.

Ballet is for anyone who can dance and is passionate about dancing. It can enhance your posture, strength, flexibility, coordination, cognitive ability, and energy levels. You may also lose weight as a result.

#2 Ballet dancers do not eat properly.

A professional ballet dancer has a workout routine of about twelve hours each day––morning

classes, rehearsals and stage performances. Eating proper meals is a must. Dancers who are not eating are either ill-informed, fad-ridden or still training to enter a company.

#3 Start young to be a professional dancer.

It may be advantageous to start at a young age. It does not necessarily mean you will not succeed if you start later. More and more companies are accepting of talents and diversity. You only need to have the determination, ability and technique.

#4 Ballet is all about glamour.

Contrary to popular belief, glamour is only for the stage. The dance form is all about grit, discipline, persistence, courage and long hours in the studio. Visit any ballet studio in Singapore, and you will most likely see dancers at all hours of the day.

#5 Ballet is only for tall dancers.

The height of most ballet dancers ranges from 5’2” to 5’7”. They look taller when dancing en pointe. It does not contribute to the ability of dancers to execute moves.

#6 Ballet is too delicate and girly.

Ballet requires stamina, mental toughness and athleticism. Male and female dancers need to execute challenging, technical, subtle and liberating techniques. Book for trial ballet dance classes, in-studio or online, if you are sceptical about it.

Are you looking into studios offering a ballet class you can join in Singapore? BalletBody provides dance classes to anyone interested, ranging from beginner to prima ballerina training. The studio also offers dance fitness classes in Singapore. Visit their website to learn more.