How I Turned Content to Commerce as a Content Creator

As someone in Gen Z, I grew up with social media. I watched it develop alongside me in my late childhood and as a preteen. As I grew older, more people started turning social media into a career. Now, they aren’t just people who post on social media – instead, they’re called content creators, and they turned their content to commerce. Slowly, it became something I wanted to do, too. Whether it be my full-time career or a side hustle, it didn’t matter. I wanted to jump in on the content creation trend.

I thought it was impossible. I’m not as charismatic as the content creators I grew up watching. Besides, every idea has already been done by someone else. Why should I bother? Then, I realised that content creation isn’t a game of luck or chance. It’s a game of numbers, trends, and knowing your audience. Here’s how I used a content creator platform to become a content creator.

What Does Your Audience Want?

There were a few questions I had to ask myself before I could create a social media account. The first one is arguably the most important: which audience should I target? By figuring out who my audience is, I can focus on their niche and ensure that my content is specifically for them. If you try to please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no one. That is the strategy that the most successful content creators use. I already knew what I wanted my audience to be: Chinese Gen Z consumers.

The reason why I picked Chinese Gen Z consumers is that I fit in that demographic. I am Chinese and was born in the 2000s when most Gen Z people were born. After all, to appeal to an audience, you have to know what they think. I wanted to go into my content creator journey by making things I wanted to see. That way, I can still be authentic while I create my content.

The Trends Report Feature

How do I start creating content now that I’ve determined my audience? Many technology and programs today can track and predict lifestyle trends that specific audiences like. For example, my target audience has discussed the winter season, air fryers, and side gigs in the past few weeks. These are all topics that I could use for my next video, social media post, or live stream.

After I’ve created content, I can view a trends report and see how successful it was and how closely it followed the current trends. These reports are how I’ll slowly improve my content to reflect what my audience currently likes. I’ve already gained a few followers using this tactic, and I suspect I will continue growing.

Are you ready to follow in my footsteps and become the content creator you’ve always wanted to be? Remember that a solid content creator platform is necessary for you to start your journey. A suitable platform should help you grow by providing tools such as data analysis, content production programs, and more. Visit this website to learn how to become the next successful content creator.