Pet Care 101: A Quick Guide To Pet Care Essentials For New Pet Parents

Becoming a pet parent can be overwhelming, especially for first-timers. Although the weight of responsibility is not comparable to taking care of a human baby, taking care of pets requires 100% commitment and obligation. Like humans, pets also need proper hygiene, medications, and a healthy lifestyle. So, don’t be surprised to know that dogs and cats have their pet dental care products!

First-time pet parents, here are the pet essentials you need to have at home:

1. Pet hygiene kits

Pet hygiene kits for cats and dogs consist of pet shampoo, flea and tick spray, soft brush, and nail trimmer. 

Pet shampoos are used gentler and natural ingredients to maintain a soft, shiny, and healthy coat. 

External parasites like fleas and ticks can transmit disease to your pets. It is essential to use flea and tick spray on the first sign of these parasites.

2. Supplements and vitamins

Veterinarians recommend pet owners some supplements and vitamins for cats and dogs. These supplements are mixed into your pet’s food and drink. 

Some supplements and vitamins help pets with existing diseases, such as osteoarthritis and bowel problems. Your veterinarian may recommend using dog probiotics in Singapore to aid their digestion. 

On the other hand, pet eye drops are for pets with eye infections. 

3. Dental care products

Your pet’s oral health also matters. Taking care of your dog’s oral health using a soft-bristled pet toothbrush and enzymatic toothpaste help prevent dental problems caused by tartar buildup. 

You can ask your vet for the right pet dental care products. 

4. Food and water bowls

Choose washable food and water bowls that fit your pet size. If your pet is a fast eater, you can use an anti-choke bowl to slow down their munching. Portable water bottles for pets are perfect for outdoor strolling.

5. Poop bags

Cat owners need litter boxes and sand for their felines. Meanwhile, dogs may need poop bags. Potty training spray and pads are also essentials. 

You are all set once you complete all these essentials!

Get them at Pet Health Global. Pet Health Global provides safe and high-quality pet dental care products!