Tips to consider before Moving Your Pet

Relocating hundreds or thousands of miles away might be daunting, but there are numerous options available to help make the transition as smooth as possible for you and your pets with the help of pet moving calgary

Taking a plane?

Avoid taking your pet on an aeroplane unless it is small enough to fit under your seat. Whenever possible, choose a direct flight. Under this way, your pet will have a lower risk of being misplaced by baggage handlers or abandoned on the tarmac in dangerous conditions.

Schedule a checkup with your pet’s doctor.

Make sure your pet is up-to-date on immunizations and has a health certificate from your vet that was issued no more than 10 days before your vacation. If you think your pet might get scared, frightened, or uncomfortable during the journey, now is a good opportunity to talk to your doctor about other methods of calming him or her down so that they can continue breathing normally.

Invest in a USDA-approved shipping crate.

Your pet’s crate should be big enough for it to stand, sit, and turn around in, and you should line it with shredded paper or towels to catch any spills. In the event that your pet gets hungry during a layover, the airline staff will be able to feed him or her from a little pouch of dried food that you tape to the outside of the crate before your travel.

Clearly label your pet’s crate so you can find it easily.

You should write “Live Animal,” your name, mobile phone number, the destination phone number, and a photo of your pet on the crate. This could save your pet’s life if it ever managed to break free from its carrier. A photo of your pet is something else to keep on you at all times.

Going on a Road Trip?

The process of taking a pet on a road trip is more involved than simply throwing it in the trunk and driving off, especially if you are going to be gone for an extended period of time.

Get your pet in travelling shape.

Preparing your pet for a long vehicle ride requires starting with a series of shorter trips. You must carry proof of your pet’s rabies vaccine whenever you traverse state lines. In most cases, this is not a problem, however at some interstate crossings, this documentation is required by law.

Keep your dogs safe and secure in a well-ventilated crate .

The kennel should have enough space for your pet to stand, sit, lie down, and turn around comfortably. Make sure your pet’s crate won’t slide around if you have to stop suddenly. If you want not to use a crate, make sure your pet is restrained in the backseat with a harness and seat belt.

Create a travel kit that is pet-friendly.

Food, water, a bowl, a leash, a waste scoop, plastic bags, grooming tools, medication, first aid supplies, and travel documentation. Bring a comfort item, such a blanket or cushion, to help your pet feel at home during the trip.